Bryn Miller ^^

Computer Person Expert Communicator Another Online Queer

Bryn is sitting at a wooden desk at HackPGH. She is holding the camera above her head to take the selfie. They are looking up over their glasses directly at the camera, their faded blue-to-blonde hair falling down their left side. The bottom half of a blue laptop is visible on the desk.
/* */
object Bryn extends Person {
    val name = "Bryn Miller";

    val pronouns = List(
        "they" :: "them" :: "their" :: "theirs" :: Nil,
        "she"  :: "her"  ::  "her"  ::  "hers"  :: Nil

    var age = secretDB.getAge("Bryn");
    assert((20 to 29).includes(this.age));
    // I'm in my twenties; that's all you get.

    var location = CityState(
        city = "Pittsburgh",
        state = State.PA

    var interests = 
        "free open-source software" ::
        "queer liberation" ::
        "ethical non-monogamy and polyamory" ::
        "mental health advocacy" ::
        "indie/alternative music" :: Nil;

I'm a femme-leaning non-biney girl thing based in Pittsburgh, PA. You'll typically find me with my partners and/or making stuff and things at HackPGH. My projects range from command line tools to websites to music to social commentary.

You can find my resume here. In addition, here's a list of stuff I've made:

In addition to my tech expertise, I also have significant insight into relationships, especially between queer and non-monogamous folks like myself! I love getting questions about this sort of thing and I'll happily provide advice to those who ask!

Bryn is walking down the street in a purple tank top and carrying a gray IKEA backpack. Their hair was dyed much more recently in this picture, a striking blue-to-green ombre. Their metallic green septum piercing matches the green in their hair as their glasses frames match the blue.Bryn is standing and leaning forward over a table at HackPGH, in front of a shelf of outdated textbooks. They are wearing a grey tank-top and black shorts, and a faded green in their hair gives way to a slightly-less-faded blue in their hair which matches their glasses frames.

A picture of me in a flannel, looking away from my electric drum kit and removing a pair of headphones.

/* © 2024 Bryn Miller */